Sunday, January 22, 2012

Day 22

Today I am going to post what I have so far of the screen play.

I'm still not sure about the whole concept but its all I have right now.

The two characters:
Z- A tall man in business attire, carrying a briefcase
H - Younger man, right around thirty, glasses, slight facial hair, wearing comfortable clothes (sweater, slacks)

Both men enter the elevator, Henry is excited, holding a picture with both hands close to his chest. Henry is smiling while Zeta stands and does not push the up button though he is on the side. A few moments pass while Henry takes it in that Zeta will not push the button, he makes a gesture out and leans over to push it, still smiling.

Henry - I can't believe we won. I mean, its fantastic when you think about it, how many must have put in to the lottery. And only the two of all the thousands

Zeta - millions

Henry - Millions! Each put in a ticket and we got it. It makes a soul feel fantastic, like I'm years younger, am I flushed?

Zeta - (after a brief moment) I feel just the same. Colder maybe, but I don't I'm sick. Maybe your sick, did you think about that? Perhaps, that's why you feel flushed.

Henry - (Turns attention back to photograph) I doubt it, nobody I've seen gets sick. Its too warm to get sick. But I wouldn't let it bother me anyway. There's too much excitement.

Zeta -(finally notices the photograph and gestures with a finger) That's a nice picture

Henry - Yeah, I know, don't they look great? I can't wait to see them.

Zeta - Your family?

Henry - (a slight pause and an exhaled laugh, his eyes go back and forth, mouth goes a few times)...Well, (Fake confidence) yes.

Zeta - Oh...I know, with as much time as we have spent down there I think that anyone is prone to forget. Nice though, that we get to keep momentos. (He raises his briefcase and waggles it in the air) I've been hauling this around for longer than I've been here. Can't get rid of it, always seem to feel pained, probably the same for you though.

Henry - Oh yes, well, I mean, I wouldn't want to. Look at the smiles on their faces, and that solid house in the back, and the cherry tree. I mean, isn't it encouraging? Every time I thought about setting it down and breaking, I would just look to their faces, smiling, all saying, "We miss you..."

Zeta - Daddy? Uncle? Kenneth? Jerry? Big Brother? Thief?

Henry works the muscles of his jaw on the last question and gives a hard glance to Zeta
Henry - I can't be sure. But, who are you to talk? You don't even know what that is.

Zeta - Its a briefcase. I've just never opened it.

Henry - That's what I'm saying. How can you criticize me, if all you can remember is hard plastic clutched in your hand. At least open it. Your not going to need it in a few minutes.

Zeta - He toys with case and brings it up to chest level, looking at the latches.
That's not true, I do remember a few things. (His thumb plucks one latch up) I remember a feeling, warm all over, like sunlight covering me up. And I'm suspended for a second, there in the warmth. I feel perfect (His thumb goes for the other latch, still not open), I feel like a saint. (He laughs and peeks inside).

And this is about all I have. I think I want there to be a dead bird inside. I'm not sure why yet, but I like the image of one of them holding it out by the tail. And I think that only Henry gets off the elevator. I don't know, I'm afraid of play writing.

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