Me and Brendan ate hamburgers today. Except Brendan's was a bean burger, and mine was a lamb burger. So we really didn't eat hamburgers. I'm sooooooo tired.

Here is a sideways picture I drew. I wanted to post the script for the play that I'm working on, the ten minute one for class, but I'm feeling weird about it. It will probably be up tomorrow though. And tomorrows post will not technically be a day late.
But anyway, my idea for the play, just to lay it out, is about two people getting on an elevator. I know, its awesome right? But the twist is that these people were in Hell or some form of purgatory and have garnered the right to come back up to Earth through a luck lottery system. The lethe waters have erased their memories though and they don't remember exactly what they will walk back into. One man carries a picture of a family he cannot remember, but holds dear, another holds a briefcase that he cannot let go for a second. They try to keep conversation on the ride to the "surface", with the play ending when the get to the top. I'm messing around with it and all I know is that I need to be more precise.
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