Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Day 101

This is the draft of my One Act. I'm trying stuff I've never done before, where people talk around problems and don't really speak to one another. I don't know if in the end it came out how I wanted, but its there.

Parts Missing





Scene Two

(Flo sits by herself in the cantina, there is a bandage on her arm. Stanley enters and doesn’t notice her. He takes off a jacket and hat and lays it on the counter. She watches him for a beat)

Flo: It’s cold in here.

(Stanley stops and turns, beat)

Flo: Tea would be nice.

Stanley: We’re not open. I have to sweep.

Flo: I can wait.

(Stanley watches her for a pause. He gets a broom and comes back and begins to sweep)

Stanley: You’re very early.

Flo: I can’t sleep. I haven’t been well.

Stanley: Are you sick?

Flo: There’s an opinion I am.

(He notices the bandage and gestures with the broom)

Stanley: Did that hurt?

Flo: It stings. They took a lot of blood. So much I had to lie down for an hour.

Stanley: That so?

Flo: It was too hot in there. Too many lights and bodies, made me sweat. It was at the clinic down the street.

Stanley: I know that doctor, never liked him.

Flo: Really? Were you sick too?

Stanley: No, he’s my brother.

Flo: Oh, he seemed nice. He was gentle with the needles.

Stanley: He’s a caring man. I’ve just never liked him.

(beat, Stanley starts to sweep everything to a pile in the middle of the stage. He bends down and pushes everything into a dustpan.)

Stanley: I haven’t seen you in a while.

Flo: I’ve been sick.

Stanley: That so?

Flo: And I haven’t been out. I missed this place. (beat) I missed the clocktower. It’s very clean here.

Stanley: I try to keep things in order. I don’t like a mess.

Flo: That’s what your brother said.

Stanley: He’s taken it from me.

Flo: Could I get some tea? Its cold in here.

Stanley: I haven’t finished sweeping.

Flo: It would be a kind thing to do. Your brother was very kind.

(Pause, Stanley watches her for a moment then sets the broom back where it was and goes to make the tea. The door opens forcefully and Luca steps inside, looking wildly around and after spying Flo goes to her, pulling out a chair near her.)

Stanley: Don’t sit there.

Luca: Where?

Stanley: Where you’re hovering, don’t sit down.

Luca: I was getting up.

Stanley: What?

Luca: I was getting up, not sitting down. We’re leaving.

(beat, Luca is breathing heavy, he watches Flo who does not move.)

Luca: You ran away.

Flo: I didn’t go far.

Luca: I was supposed to take you there.

Flo: I can walk.

Luca: Not alone. I always walk with you. Husbands walk their wives everywhere.

Flo: We aren’t married

Luca: We will be. And we have to leave soon.

(Stanley comes over to where Flo sits and hands her the tea. Then quickly walks back to the counter, throwing his coat and hat behind it.)

Flo(to Stanley): What time is it?

Stanley: Look at the clocktower (He gestures)

Luca: Its eleven thirty(He goes to sit again)

Stanley: Don’t sit there. I haven’t swept.

Luca: I was just getting up. We were just leaving.

Flo: Is it really so late?

Stanley: Look at the clocktower, tell me.

Flo: It says ten thirty.

Stanley: Then that’s the time.

Luca: I think its off.

Stanley: Its not off it’s a clocktower, it’s the biggest. Its bigger than your watch.

Flo: I guess I can still wait then.

(Luca watches Flo take a sip of the tea, he points to her cup, almost sticking his fingers in it.)

Luca: Don’t give her anything strong.

Stanley: (to Luca) Do you want something to drink?

Luca: I don’t, we have to leave soon.

Flo: The teas too bitter, some sugar I think, maybe some honey, lemon, something.

Stanley: We have honey.

Luca: Don’t put anything strong in her tea.

Flo: Thanks.

(Beat, he walks her the honey, and gestures to Luca)

Stanley: Let her sit down, come over by the bar.

Luca: Can I get a water?

Stanley: You weren’t thirsty.

Luca: I am now, can I get some water? Or gin, if you have it, gin with a lot of ice.

Flo: Not too much. We have to leave soon.

Luca: We have an hour.

Flo: Its less than that now. We have forty minutes.

Luca: I’ll be fine, it will still take them a while to check you in. Last time took twenty minutes. You remember last time?

Stanley: We don’t have gin.

Luca: Brandy? Do you have Brandy?

Flo: You don’t have to drink.

Luca: Or maybe just a tea.

Stanley: We have Brandy.

Flo: You don’t have to.

Luca: I’ll have some of that then. A lot of ice.


Flo: What time is it?

Luca: Not time yet, look at the clocktower.

Flo: I don’t think its right.

Stanley: I’ll put a clock in soon.

Flo: When?

Stanley: The next time you come in, one will be hanging.

Luca: We have time.


Stanley: I don’t see you two come in much anymore.

Luca: Its because you don’t have any gin.

Stanley: That so?

Luca: You don’t have any.

Stanley: We have Brandy.

Luca: I know

Flo: We’ve been busy.

Stanley: She doesn’t drink anymore?

Luca: She doesn’t.

Flo: We’ve been too busy to come in.

Luca: Her father lost the business.

Stanley: That so?

Luca: You haven’t seen him?

Flo: He hasn’t been out much, mother won’t let him.

Luca: I’ve been stuck watching him and watching her. We never go out.

Stanley: I see.

Flo: I don’t mind it.


Stanley: Another?

Luca: I think that’s enough.

Flo: I haven’t finished.

Luca: I think its time to go.

Flo: We have time.

Stanley: We still have Brandy.

Luca: It would be better if you had gin.

Flo: You don’t have to drink.

Luca: Then we have to go.

Stanley: I could stay open, later, when you’re done you could come back.

Flo: That would be nice.

Luca: We wouldn’t have time.

Stanley: It wouldn’t be trouble. It doesn’t get busy much.


Luca: You want to?

Flo: If it isn’t trouble.

Stanley: It wouldn’t. It doesn’t get busy much.

Luca: We’ll see. If we have time.

Flo: Do we have to leave now?

Luca: I believe so.

(Flo gets up and goes to Luca, he pushes away his glass to Stanley)

Stanley: We’ll be open.

(Luca and Flo leave Stanley cleans Luca’s glass, then goes to the table and gets the cup Flo had left cleans it. Pause. Stanley checks the clocktower through the window.)

Stanley: Eleven.

Scene Something

Scene: Stanley is behind the counter, late night, staring at open door as an older Dolan walks in, balding, blotting sweat off his head, looking as if to cover it up. The Dolan walks to the bar and sits on a stool, Stanley stares at the door for a moment more than rolls his head to look at the Dolan, the Dolan stares down at the bar, putting his handkerchief away, neither of them speaking.

Stanley: Can you see the time (gesturing to the clocktower)?
Dolan: (leans back) no, I'm afraid.
Stanley: Have you got a watch?
Dolan (looks to wrist): No
Dolan: you should get a clock
Stanley: I'd need the money
Dolan: I need a drink.
Stanley: Do you have money?
Dolan: Yes
Stanley: Are you going to run out on me?
Dolan: No
Stanley: Are you going to run away?
Dolan: No, I don't think so.
Dolan: I'd like a Gin and Tonic
Stanley: I just bought this bottle
Dolan: then a double, and make one for yourself.
Stanley: I don't drink at work
Dolan: You should, its relaxing. Always loosens me up. I don't work anymore though, so now its just drinking
(beat, Stanley makes the two drinks and Dolan watches his hands)
Dolan: I have a daughter.
(beat, Stanley drinks his quickly)
Stanley: That so?
Dolan: She's pretty, and very sick.
Stanley: I know her.
Dolan: You do? A friend?
Stanley: We've talked.
Dolan: She's sick you know, and I don't have a job.
Stanley: That man she’s with spoke about that.
Dolan: Luca, oh, he's so simple.
Stanley: He simply drinks all my Brandy.
Dolan: You have some now, though.
Stanley: It'll be gone tomorrow.
Dolan: But you know my daughter?
Stanley: I know that you think she's sick.
Dolan: She is, though, people think she is.
Stanley: Which people?
Dolan: Doctors mostly.
Stanley: My father was a doctor.
Dolan: Really?
Stanley: Brother too, your daughter is seeing him. He wouldn't mind if she was late coming in. He was always late. He was late to dinner every night. He was late to our Father's funeral. He'll be late to his own. She could walk there if she wanted.
Dolan: I'll let her know.
Dolan: It's so cold.
Dolan: Another.


Stanley: I could help your daughter.


Dolan: Do you have money?

Stanley: I have this place. I bought it with my own money.

Dolan: This whole place?

Stanley: With my own hard work, no one else’s.

Dolan: This place is nice. Nicer then where I usually drink. I like to be alone mostly.

Stanley: But that’s not good for your daughter. She needs someone.

Dolan: Are you a doctor?

Stanley: I’m a doctor’s son.

Dolan: Then you are close to what I need. You see she’s sick.

Stanley: I know.

Dolan: Only someone who understands that can really do well. One who knows who is sick and who is healthy. I’m not a man like that, I never was.

Stanley: and he is?

Dolan: Luca? No, he’s simple.

Stanley: I’m not simple.

Dolan: I like simple. I know simple.

Stanley: That so?

Dolan: It’s a fact. I know how he works. And I can see how he’ll work in a few years, and how he’ll work after that.

Stanley: And you don’t know me.

Dolan: We’ve just met.

Stanley: What do you think of me?

Dolan: I think you’re a very clean man. And I don’t like clean men.

Stanley: That so?

Dolan: It’s a fact.

(long pause)

Dolan: This drink is strong.

Stanley: I have a lot of gin.

Dolan: But not by tomorrow. (beat) Another.


Stanley: She likes it here.

Dolan: I like it here too. Its cool, nice company.


Dolan: My name is Dolan.

Stanley: Stanley.

(They shake hands)

Stanley(gesturing to the clocktower): Do you have the time?

Dolan: No, I’m afraid.


Stanley: I’m waiting on someone.

Dolan: Really? Its so late.

Stanley: I’m waiting on your daughter.

Dolan: Oh, she won’t be coming, you should stop waiting.


Stanley: Last Call.

Scene Three

(Luca sits in the café, where Flo had sat before, far from the counter. He is alone)


Luca: It’s too damn hot.

(Stanley emerges from a backroom, notices Luca, stands behind the counter.)

Luca: Where have you been? Outside?

Stanley: It’s been busy here.

Luca: It doesn’t look like it.


It’s hot. I walked over here in the heat.

Stanley: That so?

Luca: I couldn’t stay in the waiting room. There’s no cool air, they don’t open any windows.

Stanley: Are you alone?

Luca: She had to go in early. I couldn’t stay, it was too hot.

Stanley: You left her alone.

Luca: There were plenty of people waiting with her. She will have company.


Luca: I want something to drink.

Stanley: That so?

Luca: It is. Do you have gin?

Stanley: Gin makes you sweat.

Luca: I don’t mind sweating if I’m not hot.

Stanley: We don’t have gin.

Luca:(mocking) that so?

Stanley: We still have brandy.

Luca: Give me something cold.

(Stanley pours water into a glass, crushes a lime wedge and throws the lime rind in. He sets it on the counter, not going to Luca)

Stanley: She goes in earlier now?

Luca: They have to do more things now. I don’t interfere.

Stanley: You leave her alone.

Luca: It isn’t bad, she’s a big girl.

Stanley: That so?

(Beat. Luca stands and goes to the counter. He picks up the glass and finishes it quickly.)

Luca: Something stronger, please.

Stanley: It will make you sweat.

Luca: I don’t care. Brandy, to here. As much as you can fill it with.

(Stanley makes the drink.)

Stanley: When does she get out?

Luca: Later, (He leans to look at the clocktower) a few drinks more.

Stanley: How’s her father?

Luca: Hmm?

Stanley: How is her father doing?

Luca: He walks around their house, doesn’t sit still…talks on the phone a lot, about her, to the doctors. He worries even more than she does. I don’t know. I don’t interfere.

Stanley: That so?

(Luca eyes him, then down at his drink. He takes a long drink.)

Luca: Don’t you have a family?

Stanley: I do.

Luca: Don’t you have a father?

Stanley: I don’t.


Stanley: I have brothers, and two sisters. I’m not the oldest. I bought this place myself. I sleep right up there.

Luca: Do you see them often?

Stanley: You can never see family enough. That’s the problem.

Luca: I think I’ve seen them all enough. I think I’ve her father enough. I think we could be all alone. I think I could help her, by myself.

Stanley: That so?

Luca: You think I can’t.

Stanley: She is lucky to have family.

(Luca eyes him again, then finishes his drink, taking a mouthful of ice and crushing it in his teeth. He bends down to look at the clocktower, then points to the drink)

Luca: Another, more this time. You can fit more ice in there.

Stanley: The ice will hurt your stomach.

Luca: I’m beginning to think you don’t like me.

Stanley: I hate to see a man in pain.

Luca: Is that it? Really?

Stanley: I’m running out of ice.

Luca: You have enough for another?

Stanley: Yes

Luca: And enough Brandy?

Stanley: More than enough.

Luca: Than I want you to make me one.

(Stanley makes the drink, beat, Luca takes a large drink.)

Stanley: You didn’t pay yesterday.

Luca: hmm?

Stanley: You walked out on the bill.

Luca: Oh.

Stanley: I was going to buy a clock to put up, for her. But I didn’t have enough. Didn’t have enough for another bottle of Gin either.

Luca: I see.

Stanley: I’d like to put the clock in, so people don’t have to bend down to look at the clocktower.

(beat, Luca finishes the drink, fishes the lime rind out of the drink and chews on it. He fishes in his pockets and pulls out some bills, lays them on the counter. Stanley picks them up and counts)

Stanley: That’s enough for today and yesterday.

Luca: Enough for the Gin?

Stanley: Not enough for the clock.

Luca: I don’t mind bending down.

(Luca spits the lime rind into a napkin and takes a mouthful of ice to replace it. He moves away from the counter.)

Stanley: Is she ready to leave already?

(Luca turns with his mouth full of ice and points to the clocktower as he heads for the door.)

Stanley: If she feels up to it, she can come over here. Its cool at night, not hot, like in the waiting room.

(Luca lingers at the door for a moment, then shakes his head, still chewing ice and leaves. Stanley watches him go and then bends low to look up at the clock face. )

Stanley: ten thirty.

(Stanley cleans the glass, and collects the bills into a neat pile and slips them into his pockets.)

Scene Four.

(It’s earlier in the day then any of the other scenes. Stanley walks in through the front, taking off a jacket and hat and lays them on the counter. He sets down an ornate wooden clock on the counter and looks at it for a moment. He walks through the side door and can be heard climbing stairs. A beat and he comes back down with a hammer and a single nail in his teeth. He walks to the table Flo had sat in days before and stands on a chair. He drives the nail into the wall and goes back to the clock. He picks it up from the counter then goes back to the table and sets it on the driven nail. It will not stay straight. After a moments attempt to fix it he lets it be off, then stands back and goes to the counter and sets all of his belongings behind it.)

Scene Five.

(Stanley and Flo)

Stanley: You thirsty?

Flo: Not today. I don’t know when we have to leave. He has it all, it’s a new place, a new doctor. He knows everything.

Stanley: Were the old doctors not working?

Flo: My father said, “They were acclimatizing you,” meaning they wanted to keep me there. He said that they were getting me used to coming each week, so that he would keep paying. He said these new people would be better.

Stanley: Is the place far from here?

Flo: I don’t know, he has the appointment written down. I wanted to go somewhere before we had to leave, to go out for a bit.

Stanley: Its nice you chose here.

Flo: I like it here. It’s cool in the shade of the clocktower.


Stanley: Do you feel better?

Flo: I’m not sure. I feel less tired, but I think that might be because of the dust in the house. Its very clean here.

Stanley: I try to keep it up…

Did you want to see a new doctor?

Flo: I think that my father wants me to. And I think every doctor is just about the same, check your heart, take your breath. Blood. All that. I liked your brother though.

Stanley: You’re the only one that does.


Stanley: My father was a doctor. Did you know that?

Flo: I thought you got this place from him.

Stanley: No, I bought it with the money he left me. He died when I was twenty, and he did well so he gave us all a bit of money.

Flo: Didn’t you want to be a doctor?

Stanley: Why would I?

Flo: Because of your father.

Stanley: I was never good with people, touching them, telling them bad things. Decided to serve drinks instead.

Flo: What about your brothers and sisters?

Stanley: Doctors, all of them.

(Luca enters, he stands at the door.)

Flo: Time already?

Luca: We have to go all the way across town. I bought a cab.

Stanley: (To Luca) No drink today?

Luca: Do you have gin?

Stanley: No, I bought the clock instead.

(He looks to the clock)

Luca: Then we have to go.

Stanley: She just got here, just sat down.

Luca: She’ll be late.

Stanley: She’s sick, she shouldn’t be moving so much.

Flo: I can get up.

Luca: We can’t keep the car waiting

Stanley: Come back later, when you’re done.

Luca: I’m not sure, we might not have time.

Stanley: I’ll have gin.


Luca: We’ll see how she’s feeling.

Scene Six

(Lights are off. There is a candle burning low by Stanley’s head as he lays, head on the bar, staring out towards the windows. There is a bottle of gin on the opposite side of the candle. Pause. Stanley stands up, looks out the window, tries to read the clock tower, then goes back to the counter and opens the bottle of gin. He pours himself a glass and drinks it. Beat. He pours himself another. Dolan walks in, balding, blotting sweat off his head, looking as if to cover it up. The Dolan walks to the bar and sits on a stool, Stanley stares at the door for a moment more than rolls his head to look at the Dolan, the Dolan stares at Stanley, putting his handkerchief away, neither of them speaking.

Stanley: Do you have the time?

Dolan: No, I’m afraid.

Stanley: Still no watch.

Dolan: Still, no.


Dolan: Gin and Tonic

(beat where Stanley makes the drink)

Dolan: Another new bottle.

Stanley: huh?

Dolan: That’s another new bottle.

Stanley: I drank the last one.

Dolan: I told you it was relaxing. Isn’t it relaxing. I’ve found it has the same release as most hobbies.

Stanley: It made me sick.

Dolan: Are you a Doctor?

Stanley: The brother of a Doctor.

Dolan: Then you aren’t making enough money to drink on the job.

Stanley: That so?

Dolan: How much do you make?

Stanley: I pay myself.

Dolan: how much?

Stanley: Not enough.

Dolan: And you think you can help my daughter.


Dolan: Do you know how much I’ve paid?


Dolan: Every time she goes down there, I pay. I pay quite a bit. I pay more than you make. Every time.


Stanley: That so?

Dolan: It’s a fact.


Dolan: I’m moving my daughter.

Stanley: Does she want to go?

Dolan: She isn’t better.

Stanley: Did she say that?

Dolan: Are you a doctor?

Stanley: I’m the-

Dolan: Then you don’t get to say.

Stanley: And you do?

Dolan: I’m her father. I pay her bills. I make sure she is taken care of.

Stanley: That so?

Dolan: It’s a fact.


Dolan: Another. Make one for yourself.

Stanley: Should you spend your money like this?

Dolan: Its my money.

Stanley: I know

Dolan: Its not yours.

Stanley: Not yet.

Dolan: What?

Stanley: You have to pay me, then it will be my money.

(beat, they watch each other)

Dolan: You can’t take it.

Stanley: I know.

Dolan: I have to give it to you.

Stanley: I won’t take it.

Dolan: I wouldn’t let you.

Stanley: I’m not a man who steals.


Dolan: I’m not so sure.


Stanley: Another?

Dolan: I don’t think so.

Stanley: You sure? On the house.

Dolan: I couldn’t stomach it.

(beat, Dolan looks at the bottle, takes it in his hands)

Dolan: Maybe I could take it…For later.

Stanley: It’s a big bottle.

Dolan: There isn’t much left.

Stanley: There’s quite a bit.

Dolan: But you said its on the house.

Stanley: That’s true.

Dolan: And you can’t take it from me.

Stanley: I wouldn’t.

Dolan: You wouldn’t?


Dolan: I’ll keep it then. For the walk. It’s cold in here. This will keep me warm the whole walk home.

Stanley: That so?

Dolan: It’s a fact.

(Dolan gets up and heads to the door).

Stanley: You haven’t paid.

(Dolan pauses)

Stanley: I said you haven’t paid.

Dolan: I know what you said.

Stanley: Will you pay?

Dolan: You can’t make me do anything.

Stanley: We’ve been over this.

Dolan: I’m still taking the bottle.

Stanley: I’ll stop serving you.

Dolan: I’ll still have the bottle.

Stanley: It’ll be the last thing you have.

(pause, Dolan looks at the bottle, then up at Stanley)

Dolan: Luca will pay. Tomorrow. I’ll give him something after he takes in my daughter. I just don’t have the cash. Nothing in my pockets.

Stanley: That so?

Dolan: My daughter will be here tomorrow

Dolan: I’m still taking the bottle.

(Pause, they take each other in for another moment and then Dolan leaves. Long moment where Stanley watches the door. He looks at the time at the clock hangning, then a great bang is heard and the bottle sails through a window, shattering everything. A moment where Stanley watches then gets up and begins to clean up the mess. After sweeping everything up he pours himself a drink, slamming it in one go, then sits and pours himself another. )

Scene Seven.

(Stanley is asleep with the empty bottle of gin in his hand. Luca goes through the open door, walks over to Stanley’s body.)

Luca: Wake up.

(Luca tries to rouse him)

Luca: Wake up.

(Luca takes the bottle from him, then puts it back, seeing as it’s empty. He leans over the counter and searches for a glass and puts it on the counter. He puts in a couple handfuls of ice. He lifts bottles, checking labels, but deciding on nothing. He stands playing with the glass and then takes in a mouthful of ice, slamming the glass back down.)

Luca: Wake up…

(Stanley rouses)

Stanley: What?


Luca: Do you have any gin?

Stanley: We have rum.

Luca: I would like gin.

Stanley: We don’t have that. We are all out.

Luca: None left?

Stanley: Someone drank it all.


Luca: I’ll have rum. No ice.

(He dumps the rest of ice out of his glass. Stanley makes the drink.)

Luca: More than that, to there.

Stanley: Its too early to drink this much.

Luca: I don’t care.

Stanley: You’ll get sick later.

Luca: I don’t take advice from drunk men.


Luca: She had an operation.

Stanley: That so?

Luca: Last night. Doctor said they had to do it, it was later than they like to do it. Said it was real bad, the worse they’d ever seen in a woman.

Stanley: Last night?

Luca: She asked them what would happen if they didn’t operate. They told her it would get in her blood if they didn’t move ahead.

Stanley: Is she all right?

Luca: It isn’t in her blood. They took a lot out of her, I got to watch them do it from operating room.

(Beat, Luca finishes the glass)

Luca: Another.


Luca: I told her to do it.

Stanley:…That so?

Luca: She wasn’t sure and I told her. Her father said that he still had the money for it, but it would be hard, and she was scared about everything, money, her father. And I told her to do it. That we had to keep moving forward. She was scared. But I said if she did it, I would help her. She agreed. But she’s very frail, she’s a very frail girl. I’m not sure…what to do.


Stanley: Another?

Luca: I think so.

Stanley: You have time?

Luca: I think so.

(pause, finishes the third drink)

Luca: I should go. She’s probably awake.

Stanley: Where is she?

Luca: Hospital, town over.

Stanley: That so?

Luca: I should go.

Stanley: I’ll stay open. Come by later.


Luca: All right.

Scene Nine

(Stanley, day, looking up at the clocktower through his good window, the other boarded up. He goes from the window to the clock hanging and dials the time correctly. Then goes back to the window to check the clocktower again. He goes to the bottle of gin sitting on the counter and picks it up, holds it for a moment, then sets it down and goes to the window one more time to check the clocktower.)

(Luca enters and sits in the light of the window. He doesn’t look at Stanley. Stanley is still intent on looking at the clocktower.)

Luca: I’m sorry

(beat, Stanley, turns and notices him.)

Luca: Last night I got too drunk after I heard about her.


Luca: They had to operate again. She must be quite upset with me. They took more out of her. I watched again. They took a lot out of her.

Stanley: That so?

Luca: I feel responsible. I’m the one who told her to do it.


Luca: She’s gone now. Do you think I’m responsible?

Stanley: She’s gone?

Luca: After the operation her bed was clean. Not even a drop of blood. Nobody can find her. Everybody’s out of the house and I don’t know what to do. I haven’t seen her father all day. I’ve been all alone.


Luca: This place is nice. Do you like it here?

Stanley: Its all I have.

Luca: Are you happy?

Stanley: When people are around.


Luca: Do you need any help?

Stanley: What?

Luca: I don’t want to leave. Is there something you want me to do?


Stanley: You can sweep.

(beat, Luca gets up, and grabs the broom by the counter, he begins to sweep, pushing everything into the center of the room. Pause where this plays out, Stanley watches the whole time and after a moment Luca notices and stops, looking back at him.)

Stanley: You should stop.

Luca: I should?

Stanley: You should keep looking.

Luca: I’ve been looking all night.

Stanley: Don’t stop, you need to marry her.


Luca: You don’t need to tell me

(Luca sets the broom back and walks out.)

Scene Ten

(Stanley standing at the bar, Dolan enters the same as before, but they watch each other as he sits at the counter. They stare at each other for a moment)

Dolan: I’d like something to drink.


Dolan: I said I’d like something to drink.

Stanley: Gin and tonic?

Dolan: That would be fine.

Stanley: We don’t have any gin.

Dolan: That’s a shame.

Stanley: We don’t have rum either.

Dolan: No kidding?

Stanley: Vodka?

Dolan: Yes?

Stanley: None of it. Not a drop.

Dolan: I see.


Stanley: I could get you a water. Would you want one?

Dolan: I would.

Stanley: Water then?

Dolan: Yes, please.

(Stanley pours the water)

Dolan: Have you heard about my daughter?

Stanley: I have.

Dolan: They’ve lost my daughter.

Stanley: I said I’ve heard.

Dolan: It’s a shame. It’s a nerve racking thing, isn’t it?

Stanley: I can’t say.

Dolan: I think it does. I can feel it.


Dolan: This water is warm.

Stanley: Its all we have.

Dolan: Nothing else you’re hiding for yourself?

Stanley: I’m not selfish.

Dolan: Of course. But I do wish I had something else. This water isn’t enough.


Stanley: I might have something.

Dolan: Really?

(Stanley bends down low and comes up with a bottle of clear liquor)

Dolan: What is it?

Stanley: Something strong. My brother gave it to me, for good health.

Dolan: I could use some. I feel cold, do you feel cold? I could use some.

(Stanley pours a very small amount into a glass and slides it to him.)

Dolan: This smells strong, like it could burn through you.

Stanley: That’s why I don’t drink it.

Dolan: I think I need it.

(He takes a swallow, and visibly winces, closing his eyes. It takes a beat for him to open them again.)

Stanley: How is it?

Dolan: Good, like I’m burning on the inside, like I’m on fire. I feel like a saint.


Dolan: I’d like that whole bottle.

Stanley: I couldn’t

Dolan: I have the money. With my daughter gone I don’t have to worry about bills. I have the money right now.

Stanley: I really couldn’t.

(Dolan takes out a wad of money and lays it on the counter. Stanley looks at the money and then sweeps the money off the counter and into his lap. Stanley places the bottle on the counter)

Stanley: Take it.

Dolan: You sure?

Stanley: I mean it.

(beat, Dolan looks at the bottle)

Stanley: Take it.

Dolan: I’m not sure now, its so much.

Stanley: Its not so big. I’ll even help you out.

(Stanley takes out another glass and pours them each a drink. He raises his glass as if to toast. Dolan picks up his glass and they hold them together, looking at one another.)

Stanley: To your health.

Dolan: Yes.

Stanley: And to your daughter.

Dolan: Of course.

(Dolan drinks, but Stanley doesn’t. Dolan winces hard again, and then looks at the bottle.)

Stanley: Take it.

(Dolan wraps his arms around it, and sits for a moment)

Dolan: To my daughter.

(Stanley watches him go. After a moment he stops and holds still, staring at something, then quickly jumps back as another bottle comes through the window he was just staring through. The bottle doesn’t break and lands into the middle of the stage. Stanley is in shock for a few moments then begins to pace back and forth, switching glances back and forth from the bottle to the broken window. Flo descends from the stairwell next to the counter, her eyes are covered in thick white bandages. He picks up the bottle and stands as if he would throw it through the last remaining window, then notices Flo as she walks slowly towards him, taking slow steps. Stanley sets the bottle down and takes her hand and walks her back towards the counter, laying her hands on it. He walks around the counter and fetches a glass and fills it with ice.)

Stanley: Can I get you a drink?

Flo: Nothing strong.

(Stanley makes her a drink and one for himself. He guides her hands to glass and they each take a drink.)

Flo: Its so cold. What time is it?

Stanley: Its night.

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